Hey everybody!!! I have some sad news. I have been transferred and have to say
goodbye to all my African family haha. It will be hard and sad but Elder Durrant is staying here and
getting Elder King who is awesome and is just coming from being the assistant
in our mission. I am being
transferred to Rogers, Arkansas and I am really excited.
This past week was one for the
books and probably up there in my favorite moments on my mission. We had a Swahili translated church this
week. Somebody from Salt Lake City
face-timed us and we blew it up onto a big TV and they could communicate with
somebody back and forth and they were able to really understand our message for
the first time! However, we only
had 25 there this week, I would expect close to 60 this coming week with Elders
Durrant and King.
In other news Frank (recent convert) blessed the
sacrament this past week and Geannie (another recent convert) gave a talk in the same sacrament
meeting. It was truly a special
moment for me to see how awesome and prepared these people are that I have had the
privilege to teach! I will forever
be grateful for them and saying goodbye will not be easy haha.
I have a busy day but I love you all
and would like to share one spiritual thought with you before I go. I was reading in the book of Revelations
yesterday with a woman named, Jayne, and read in Rev. 7: 14-17 one of my
favorite scriptures about the temple. I would just encourage any of you that are reading this that
haven’t been to the temple ever or if it has been a while to read that verse
and then set up a plan to make it back! I can promise that the scripture in Revelations will be
fulfilled for you.
Elder Green