Monday, March 28, 2016


"Looking like Boogaloo Shrimp Boyyy"



What a week what a week!!!

Carmel got baptized!!!!! So crazy, because of certain circumstances we got word on Friday night that Carmel might have to wait until the next week to be baptized. We talked to President and he said he wanted to pray about it. The next day at 11 o’clock we got the call to go ahead with it haha so we rushed everything and everybody to the stake center for the baptism at 1:00 haha only for us to get there and walk into a wedding that somebody forgot to schedule on the calendar. So we went to the New Haven building and their font is in like the basement and we had to run around to get everything set up and fill the font. Then President actually showed up there haha clear from Bentonville to see our baptism. It was so cool just like a crowded room of people and Carmel there in her wheelchair and everybody being there to support her. Instead of me baptizing Carmel or Elder Nau, we gave the opportunity to Sam from our ward who will leave on his mission here in a couple days, and then Elder Nau went in their to help Carmel walk because she only has 1 leg.  It was such an amazing happy moment to watch!!!
Everybody right before the baptism.

Sam, Elder Nau, Mikey and Carmel.

My title thIs week comes from a quote from one of our investigators, Kevin haha. We met him playing basketball but he now desires to be baptized and wants to serve a mission he says. We were talking to him about what kind of girl he wants to marry and he said, "You know I need a girl that is finnnne ya know? Can’t be marrying nobody that looks like boogaloo shrimp ya hear me??" haha I have no idea what that means but I hope I don’t look like a boogaloo shrimp.

With Easter this week of course I reflected a lot on my Savior. I love him, I know he lives, he loves all of us. I thought about how merciful our Heavenly Father was to give us a savior. My thoughts turned also to my sweet mama and her parents. I know we will all be together again someday and all the hard things about this frail mortal existence will be perfected through the Savior. I thought a lot about my best friend Colt that all of you know so well, and how his sweet little sister was taken by somebody else’s decision. I do not understand the exact reasoning but I do know that because of Jesus Christ he will be with her again someday and we all will be resurrected just as our Savior was 2000 years ago. The Savior lives, he is off the cross and the tomb is empty. He guides this church today! Hallelujah!!!! 

Monday, March 21, 2016


"Not tonight, Not tonight"

Hey family and friends!!!!! 

Man what a week what a week haha.  Sooo we will start with the sad.

So Saturday when we pulled up to pick up Tim and the family for the baptisms. They weren’t home. We looked everywhere for them and then as me and Elder Nau sat in front of the font quite sad and defeated, we got a call from their aunt and she yelled at us and told us that she doesn’t want us talking to her family... So back to square one, haha and to add insult to injury somebody still had to pull the plug in the font hahaha so I was trying to pull it out with a long stick and slipped and stepped into the water and soaked my shoe lol.

The good: The good definitely outweighed getting stood up at the font this week haha and after the whole non-baptism fiasco we went to the wedding of our recent convert Whitney.  I sloshed around the wedding with one soaked left shoe haha. Kind of weird being at a wedding as a missionary. But I felt so proud to see Whitney and Meaghan get married in the church and have their eyes set to the temple and just it was so cool to see them and Whitney is really one of the coolest and most humble and awesome people I have ever met. I love him and that was so cool!!!
The Happy Couple!
Another awesome cool thing was our good friend out here and partner in crime, Sam, gave his mission farewell talk. Weird to be a missionary listening to his talk haha I was just thinking to myself, “Oh how you have no idea what you’re about to get into Sam.” hahaha but it is all so much fun!!! 
Elder Nau, Sam with a Sour Patch Lei & Mikey
I zoomed in on Mikey's and Sam's shoes in the picture.  Sam's are all shiney and ready to go and Mikey's are a little worn after six months ;)
Carmel (the lady who has been in the hospital receiving dialysis) will be baptized this Saturday, which is awesome.  Also Freddy will be baptized soon. He is the kid that saved his dad’s life in the shooting the other week haha he is so awesome. His dad calls him Super Fred!!! I love them!!!

Everything is super good. I have been studying a ton of the Pearl of Great price lately and my love for the Plan of Salvation is growing a ton. We are so blessed to have the peace of mind of knowing about our purpose and where we are going after this life etc. I can't imagine thinking that all this life is is just earth and then that’s it!  I am so grateful to have all the knowledge I do! I just want to tell everybody. I love my family so much! I have the greatest family. It really hits you hard when like nobody out here has any love in their lives. I appreciate my mama so much more now and everybody should take the time to appreciate those around them.

Love you all!!!

Elder MEEK 

Monday, March 14, 2016


"Don't get Lost in the Sauce"

ay fam and friends back in the blessed 801!!!

What a great and fun week this week!!!! 
This is "Tulsa Grandma."  She calls every morning
and tells them the weather.  She has done it for 30
She is not a member, and doesn't like to talk about it. haha
Tulsa is super fun and good haha  This week I went on an exchange to Brookhollow and had a really crazy experience. We are in the bike share with these elders and Elder Nau and I had the car this week so when I went on the exchange I was back on the bikes hahaha and this week we had some of the most insane rain!!  I was with Elder King, we were biking and the craziest rain started to pour down haha me being in my full suit really had no option at that point but just to accept the rain and being wet haha.  My suitcoat was drenched and it was a little awkward going into peoples’ houses like that. I could feel myself changing since normally I would have had a terrible attitude, but Elder King and I both were just laughing so hard and had a really fun time!!!
Mikey's feet after the day out in the rainstorm.
Our investigators all made it to church this week and what a tender mercy to see them all in the chapel!  We gave them some white shirts and ties and they all looked so good and happy.  Tim and Melanie should get baptized this Saturday and we are so excited for all of them!!!

We had a really awesome time this week teaching Carmel, who is working to be baptized. However, she has been sooo sick! We have been teaching her in the hospital. Her kidneys are completely failing and so she has to go through dialysis like every single day.  I love seeing her and teaching her.  She only has 1 leg due to some other health problems and is in a wheelchair and she is just the sweetest lady and teaching somebody in the hospital is such a humbling and awesome experience.  Loved that!!!

I love all of you back home!!!  Thank you so much for all the love and support!!! Mama and Aubrey thank you so much for the package!! You guys are the best haha I loved it all!!! I hope you all have a good week and remember the Lord and see his miracles!!!
They gave this guy Sam his mission haircut.  He was just called to Tuscon, AZ.
Mikey's comp is teaching him how to cut hair!

Love Elder Green  

Monday, March 7, 2016


"Green Jell-O Party!"
Green Jell-O Party with some of their investigators.
A member texted me this pic and made my day!!!
Hello friends and family!!!!!!!!!

I hope you all are doing well :) 

My week was super good. We are having a lot of success and have found a lot of new investigators and I swear we like are just so blessed. We keep just happening upon people that need the gospel in their lives or that are searching for something in their lives. 

This week the ward threw a "Green Jell-o Party" and we thought why not try to get our investigators to come? So we invited them the day before and told them that we were gonna be picking them up the next day with some members. We pulled up expecting the usual "we can’t go" excuse haha but when we pulled up they all were there and ready to go and super excited and we went and it was the most awesome night ever haha with lots of bomb food. There was a jello eating contest at the end and yes I entered and I took like third haha couldn’t slurp fast enough. But we have this one investigator named Tim who will be baptized soon and he won the contest and was sooo happy I felt like a proud father haha he won and pumped his fists into the air and me and Elder Nau swarmed him with hugs lol it was pretty sweet haha but that was such a cool experience. We taught a massive lesson on the Restoration after the party with like 12 people sitting in!!! 
Mikey with Kevin.

Mikey with Melanie and Shayla.

Mikey with Silvia, Kevin and Elder Nau.
After all of that none of them came to church the next day... I didn’t understand. I had been fasting and praying that their would be a miracle and they all would be excited about church... I was mad at the Lord in a way thinking selfishly to myself, "I did my part and fasted and prayed and showed my faith, now where are the blessings?" Very selfish thinking huh? I find it as no coincidence that the lesson that day in gospel principles was on prayer. Brother Swenson in our ward said something that stuck with me he said something along the lines of, "If we truly love our heavenly father we will be just as grateful for the yes answers to our prayers as the no answers." Sometimes in life we don’t get what we think we need and to be honest I don’t completely understand it. But I do know that the person answering knows better than me and I am so glad that all of our investigators bailed so that I could learn a lesson and become a better teacher and student of the Lord!

I love you all! I love my family and I am so grateful for all of the love! Thank you for the packages and letters you will never know how much they mean!  My mom's package with the scriptures and everything was such a relief and I love them so much! Thank you mom!!! 

"We are all enlisted til the conflict is o'er, happy are we":) I love this song so much. 

Everybody keep Mikey Burnett in your prayers. He is in our ward and needs some help right now.

Love you all #StayCute

Elder Meek Meek