Monday, March 28, 2016


"Looking like Boogaloo Shrimp Boyyy"



What a week what a week!!!

Carmel got baptized!!!!! So crazy, because of certain circumstances we got word on Friday night that Carmel might have to wait until the next week to be baptized. We talked to President and he said he wanted to pray about it. The next day at 11 o’clock we got the call to go ahead with it haha so we rushed everything and everybody to the stake center for the baptism at 1:00 haha only for us to get there and walk into a wedding that somebody forgot to schedule on the calendar. So we went to the New Haven building and their font is in like the basement and we had to run around to get everything set up and fill the font. Then President actually showed up there haha clear from Bentonville to see our baptism. It was so cool just like a crowded room of people and Carmel there in her wheelchair and everybody being there to support her. Instead of me baptizing Carmel or Elder Nau, we gave the opportunity to Sam from our ward who will leave on his mission here in a couple days, and then Elder Nau went in their to help Carmel walk because she only has 1 leg.  It was such an amazing happy moment to watch!!!
Everybody right before the baptism.

Sam, Elder Nau, Mikey and Carmel.

My title thIs week comes from a quote from one of our investigators, Kevin haha. We met him playing basketball but he now desires to be baptized and wants to serve a mission he says. We were talking to him about what kind of girl he wants to marry and he said, "You know I need a girl that is finnnne ya know? Can’t be marrying nobody that looks like boogaloo shrimp ya hear me??" haha I have no idea what that means but I hope I don’t look like a boogaloo shrimp.

With Easter this week of course I reflected a lot on my Savior. I love him, I know he lives, he loves all of us. I thought about how merciful our Heavenly Father was to give us a savior. My thoughts turned also to my sweet mama and her parents. I know we will all be together again someday and all the hard things about this frail mortal existence will be perfected through the Savior. I thought a lot about my best friend Colt that all of you know so well, and how his sweet little sister was taken by somebody else’s decision. I do not understand the exact reasoning but I do know that because of Jesus Christ he will be with her again someday and we all will be resurrected just as our Savior was 2000 years ago. The Savior lives, he is off the cross and the tomb is empty. He guides this church today! Hallelujah!!!!