"When your grandparents ask you to take a selfie of them!"
hahaha who else loved when Dieter F.
Uchtdorf was just up there cracking jokes this weekend haha ohhh man what an
awesome, awesome week we have had!!!
He called this, "Easter Swag." I sent him this tie in his package. |
He called this picture, "Bunnies!" haha These were in his package too. We knew his feet would look hilarious in these! |
This week our dear friend, Sam
Edmondson, left to Utah to go to conference and then the MTC for his mission.
He has been out here on a mini mission with us and is an awesome kid. He went
over to my house actually haha. He
called me after he left and he was like, "Your dog is sooooo
flufffy!!!!" haha Ted always trying to steal the show. Nothing new
Mikey's last cut on Ole Sammy Boi! When Sam came to our house I was thinking how nice is hair looked and had no idea Mikey had cut it! |
hmmm on other news let’s see haha
yes I did experience my first tornado and yes I did disobey all council from
everybody and go take pictures and look at it hahaha. When the tornado was
hitting and the sirens were going off me, Elder Nau, and Sam were picking up
some food at this bomb mexican taco van thing. We were in an area of Tulsa that
is coined "little Mexico" because it is just that haha. Nobody speaks English. But anyways yes a pretty big tornado hit
and we were sitting outside eating our tortas haha We had to go back to the house though because everybody was
clearing the streets so we figured we better do the same. No missionaries were
hurt thankfully and it hit northern Tulsa pretty crazy!!!
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This is what I (Emily) saw on Twitter! |
Man another awesome week full of
miracles. We have some upcoming
baptisms of a man named Brian, who is just an awesome dude and he
basically teaches us when we go to see him haha and an awesome girl from a part-member family named Willow! Super excited for both of them.
How could I not talk about
conference!!! As a missionary I feel like I love every session of conference so
much I can barely even distinguish something that sticks out haha. I loved the
overall theme and message that was displayed which to me was a lot about love.
I wish I could teach as simply and powerfully as our awesome leaders. I love
Elder Holland so much! A lot of my testimony comes from listening to him and
his closing talk was so awesome. I would like to say that I am beginning to
feel a sliver of what the Savior felt I think. I love the people of Tulsa so
much and more than anything I can feel how much the Savior loves them. I know that God loves all of you reading
this as well!! I hope you all have a great week!
Elder Green