Monday, April 11, 2016


Hello everybody!!!

Well transfer calls have been made and I will be doing another 6 weeks out here with Elder Nau in Mingo Valley!!! Pretty crazy I have never heard of somebody being with the same companion for 3 transfers!!! So it is pretty awesome. I am super excited because with the upcoming baptisms that we both have worked so hard for it would have stunk to have seen one of us not get to see them through.
We got to take Sam to dinner this week.
He enters the MTC Wednesday.
He's been serving a two-week Mini Mission
with Mikey and Elder Nau before heading out to
his mission in Tuscon, AZ.
Elder Nau's dusty shoes.
Hey good to see they have a vacuum!

Mikey's dusty shoes from the dusty streets of Oklahoma!
This week was a little bit of a longer one for me. I was battling through a little bit of strep throat throughout the week and I hate strep throat more than anything else. I was praying and praying to get over it and I was going to go to the doctor until Saturday morning their was a baptism going on for the New Haven ward and all the missionaries were going to be there so I decided to just ask for a blessing from basically the whole zone. I felt like I was in pretty good hands getting a blessing from 7 missionaries. It was so awesome. I did not stand up to a miraculously healed throat but rather to healed spirits and could go about the day being happy and joke around again. I am almost completely healed at this point!

Fred and his dad, Mikey, both were interviewed this week and Mikey is now ready to baptize Freddy. I am so honored to get to see this happen. Just like a month earlier both of these people were robbed and shot and now they will enter the waters of baptism to make these sacred covenants! Just so awesome I am so happy!!! Also Brian and Willow are ready for baptism just working out scheduling problems! I am so excited for them all!!!

Thank you for all of your prayers and love!! I have been blessed with such awesome people in my life. I have realized like how big of an impact family and parents play in our lives. It has made me soo much more grateful for my parents and also grown my desire to want to be the best dad I can be some day for my future family. It can be sad to see a whole bunch of awesome kids whose parents aren't involved in their lives out here. You almost can’t even blame the kids for the things they do. I appreciate so much the emphasis the church has on families and I know they are eternal through the blessing of the priesthood in holy temples. I love you all have a great week

Elder Green