Monday, March 14, 2016


"Don't get Lost in the Sauce"

ay fam and friends back in the blessed 801!!!

What a great and fun week this week!!!! 
This is "Tulsa Grandma."  She calls every morning
and tells them the weather.  She has done it for 30
She is not a member, and doesn't like to talk about it. haha
Tulsa is super fun and good haha  This week I went on an exchange to Brookhollow and had a really crazy experience. We are in the bike share with these elders and Elder Nau and I had the car this week so when I went on the exchange I was back on the bikes hahaha and this week we had some of the most insane rain!!  I was with Elder King, we were biking and the craziest rain started to pour down haha me being in my full suit really had no option at that point but just to accept the rain and being wet haha.  My suitcoat was drenched and it was a little awkward going into peoples’ houses like that. I could feel myself changing since normally I would have had a terrible attitude, but Elder King and I both were just laughing so hard and had a really fun time!!!
Mikey's feet after the day out in the rainstorm.
Our investigators all made it to church this week and what a tender mercy to see them all in the chapel!  We gave them some white shirts and ties and they all looked so good and happy.  Tim and Melanie should get baptized this Saturday and we are so excited for all of them!!!

We had a really awesome time this week teaching Carmel, who is working to be baptized. However, she has been sooo sick! We have been teaching her in the hospital. Her kidneys are completely failing and so she has to go through dialysis like every single day.  I love seeing her and teaching her.  She only has 1 leg due to some other health problems and is in a wheelchair and she is just the sweetest lady and teaching somebody in the hospital is such a humbling and awesome experience.  Loved that!!!

I love all of you back home!!!  Thank you so much for all the love and support!!! Mama and Aubrey thank you so much for the package!! You guys are the best haha I loved it all!!! I hope you all have a good week and remember the Lord and see his miracles!!!
They gave this guy Sam his mission haircut.  He was just called to Tuscon, AZ.
Mikey's comp is teaching him how to cut hair!

Love Elder Green