Monday, August 14, 2017


Yo Yo Yo yello, hope all is well in your life.
Ohhh shoot that eclipse is coming!
I'm so much help!

This past week was a really good week and the Lord is progressing that work right along. 

The biggest news is that this next Saturday Kine will be baptized!  It is really exciting and I am so happy for her.  It is kind of funny because nobody is really sure if she ever really was baptized as a girl and so she has been going to church for like 7 years as a non-member haha.  It definitely was one of the easier teaching experiences I’ve had on the mission haha.  She will be baptized by our branch president on Saturday.

Baby Dajon :) 
The Kejon family.

Also this week we had so many people show up for church and I can see just in the short time how much the Lord is inspiring the leadership of the branch and the members here in Springdale.  When you look at our ward list it is quite daunting to see 600 less active members, it is a lot to take in as far as Home Teaching goes as well and so it has been great to be part of the work here.  There are so many part-member families that I can see joining in baptism and then heading to the temple some day. 

Jason is doing great.  He still reads the Book of Mormon and is keeping a study journal and he is just an awesome kid.  He will be baptized shortly after I leave which I will be sad to miss but very happy for him.

This next Sunday I will be giving a talk in Marshallese haha.  It has been so fun to learn a second language and I have felt so blessed by the Lord in the short amount of time that I have been able to learn it.  I can now understand people when they speak to me and have conversations that are fluid and not choppy at all and I plan to continue learning the language after my mission.
Exchanges with Cherrington.
Also a big Happy Birthday to my Dad who turns 39 today!!!  I love you pops and hope you have a great day and hope that you are ready for some serious backyard ball soon haha!
Take this movie bruh!
 Love you all I hope you have a great week!

Elder Green