Monday, December 14, 2015


Hi family and friends!

I had another good week this week!!! A funny story and an awesome story from this week came on Saturday when we all went to this lady that I love who is a less active named Bernadette.  We went and did service for her and we raked around a gazillion leaves for her and it was pretty hard work and she appreciated it a ton and stuff.  After she made some of the slappiest quesadillas you have ever eaten. Elder Gordon whipped us up some of the meanest cheese quesadillas ever on the stove in her house.  After all the work was done we got into a little shenanigans when we found her daughter Pandora's old skateboard.  My main man Elder Gordon who also likes to skate, and I decided to try it out a little. So then here I am with a quesadilla in my hand just bombing this huge hill and it was the best day of my life haha just a little tender mercy from the Lord allowing me to SK8 a little.  
Mikey "shredding the gnar" and giving Elders Maupin and Gordon five at the end.
Okay now back to the important stuff.  How service can touch people's hearts.  That next day which was Sunday Burnadette and her non-member daughter Pandora and her baby girl Gabi all came to church and they want us to come over and teach them and it was so awesome to see them be touched by our service and I can't wait to teach them. Anywho hope you all have a good week

Elder Green