Mikey in Elder Henderson's "Country Boy" clothes haha. |
Elder Henderson in Mikey's "City Slicker" skinny jeans and Vans. He said that the skinny jeans were not a super pleasant experience! |
Elder Henderson went half a day like this before Mikey realized and told him his clothes didn't match! |
Mikey "riding his bike." |
HEYYYY! What’s up everybody? Hope you had a good week!
This week was super good! Things are going so well and this week we had some really
great success.
1st the biggest highlight was this Saturday we went to
the Oklahoma City Temple with all the youth and we also got to go with Mely!!! What a blessing it was to be in the
house of the Lord with our recent convert. It was such a blessed day and plus we went to Cicis pizza
after which was almost as satisfying as the temple!
The beautiful Oklahoma City temple. |
Temple Selfie. |
At the temple with Mely! |
Exchanges with Elder Bedolla. |
Exchanges with Elder Joplin. |
We have seen some really awesome things happening with
the ward and today was a super special Sacrament Meeting. It was fast and testimony meeting and
all these youth that have recently been reactivated, like probably 10 of them,
got up and bore their testimonies and things were getting pretty emotional up
there and the whole ward seemed to be pretty moved. We had 2 youth that are Marshallese come to church that day
too and a lot of their friends are the ones that got up and bore their
testimonies. We set a baptismal date today for April 29th with one of
the Marhsallese kids named Carl.
The exchanges were super good and I got to go with Elder
Wilcox this week and Elder Grey. I
had some awesome spiritual experiences with both of them as well as when I was
in the temple this past week, and when I was being interviewed by President and
Sister Loveland.
In reading the Book of Mormon this past week, I have
recently restarted it again, and I am marking it in a special way but anyway a
cool insight that I feel like I learned this time around was something that
Sister Loveland shared with me and that is that the reason we learn different
things the more times we read the Book of Mormon is because light attracts to
light just like in D&C Section 50 that says, “That which is of God is
light; and he that receiveth light, and continueth in God, receiveth more
light; and that light groweth brighter until the perfect day.” She told me about how when we continue
to gain spiritual light the things we pick up on will continue to build line
upon line. Think about that if you
ever feel like you are hearing the same things over and over in church. I feel that way sometimes when I teach
the Restoration over and over all day but I have realized how much deeper my
understanding has become!
Love you all have a great week.