Tuesday, May 30, 2017


Hello everybody! Hope you had a great week our week was really interesting haha.  

Mikey with an old friend who is back in the mission selling pest control.
Maybe he can help control the chiggers this year!

So we had the chance to go to the temple this week, of course it was wonderful and I really had some sacred spiritual experiences.  I actually took my first family name ever to!!!  I have caught that spirit of Elijah.  I was able to start with baptism and go all the way through the temple for my 6th great uncle on my mom's side!  How cool huh? 

Also this week was very good as far as teaching goes. We have some very solid investigators that continue to amaze me!  Carl is doing great.  He came out teaching with us last night and Mely is awesome she was just called to be in the Relief Society Compassionate ServiceS.  I am so proud of both of them. 
Elder Leavitt with cute Marshallese kids.
This past week we were going to this Marshallese Family Home Evening that is held for our ward that has been organized and it was supposed to be the first week that it was held actually.  We have been working hard preparing for it.  However, there was a bump this week because it was one of the girl’s birthday parties on Saturday haha so instead of having FHE we got invited to a Marshallese party.  How can you say no to that right?  So we rushed to Walmart and bought the girl a volleyball because she loves volleyball.  The party was not like any party I had ever been too.  It started with a prayer and the father stood up before all these people and told his daughter how much he loved her, then he personally thanked God for letting the missionaries be in his home.  Then they served us a huge dinner and treated us like kings!  They are such awesome people, then there was singing and birthday cake and gift giving and then all the sudden this man said something in Marshallese and everybody turned and was just staring at me hahaha this is so funny but anyways all the kids who translate for us are like, “Elder Green its your turn to dance... I am like dance???” haha.  So anyway here I am standing up in an apartment complex full of Marshallese people and they are all waiting for me to dance.  I was not sure if they wanted me to do like a traditional dance or something but then they drop a beat on these huge speakers and it was JuJu on that Beat hahaha and when life gives you lemons ya know... so anyway long story short I hit that juju on the beat and everybody was dying laughing etc. it was sooo funny and they all were videoing so anyway if the video "mormon missionary juju's on that beat" goes viral I will be very embarrassed!
This guy wasn't quite ready for church haha.
That's a box of beers.
Haha well anyway, I love the work and had a great week! I hope you all have a fun Memorial Day!!! 

Elder Green