Hello everybody!!! Hope you all are having a great week and
that you are just as happy as can be.
had what you might call a veryy blesseeddd week. We virtually have just been walking ourselves right into
perfect situations to baptize people which has been wonderful. Two families in our ward have had
teenage kids move from the Marshall islands to here who just haven’t been
baptized yet even though they have been going to church for a long time so that
is always exciting. Their baptism
should be my last Saturday here in the branch.
than that, Jason is still progressing and is doing great. We have been going over and reading the
Book of Mormon together which is great because we get to practice our Marshallese
with him correcting us, and also his testimony builds while doing it. He told us that he knows the Book of Mormon
is true now and that now it’s just getting himself to feel ready for baptism.
branch still continues to be the nicest people you could ever imagine. We are
seeing a lot of progress from the inside out, which is our whole goal. We have been having some of the adult
leaders coming with us on exchanges which is great and our next goal is to help
get Branch Council started etc. It
is really exciting because there is so much work waiting to be done here!
super cool was I got a surprise visit from one of my old companions and it was
super cool to get to see him. He
was in town for a wedding out here and we had a lot of good laughs etc of
Mikey's Trainer who's been home a few months, Eli Hess. |
you all. I hope you have a great
read a scripture in 1 Nephi 19:9
9 Im laļ in, kōn nana ko aer, naaj ekajet E bwe ej men pata; kōn menin rej den̄ļo̧ke E, im E ej kōtļo̧k e; im rej ubrare E, im E ej kōtļo̧k e. Aaet, rej em̧m̧ōje E, im E ej kōtļo̧k e, kōn iakwe in jouj eo An im kōn kijenmej eo An kōn ro nejin armej.
I know you can’t read that so look it up in English
and read it for yourself and think about how the Savior’s example teaches us
how to get over our challenges.
Love E green!
here I (Emily) saved you the trouble ;)
9 “And the world, because of their iniquity,
shall judge him to be a thing of naught; wherefore they scourge him, and he
sufffereth it; and they smite him, and he sufffereth it. Yea, they spit upon him, and he
suffereth it, because of his loving kindness and his long suffereing towards
the children of men.”