Hello friends
and family!!!!
Mikey got his haircut at the "Elite Black Barbers Hair Salon!" |
The 479 is good
and I had another awesome whacky week haha first on the list of things to tell
you guys is about an exchange I went on with Elder Thompson. He is my zone
leader and grew up on an indian reservation and is awesome and it was so fun.
On this exchange we went to teach a guy from his area with the stake patriarch,
Patriarch Stout. While in the lesson the guy we were teaching was super cool
and had been investigating the church for 2 years!!!!! Whoa huh? He had read
all the standard works and like everything Mormon haha and he had prayed and
said he received the answer that no the church isn't true. He said this looking
right at me and you can imagine the fear as I had no idea what to say or why we
were even really there. And then, Patriarch Stout spoke up and asked the man
why he even cared to talk to us then? The man’s answer was that he still was
seeking truth. Patriarch Stout went on to teach this man (and me) a thirty-minute
lesson of how to truly pray and find truth. I was amazed and so glad that such
a great and knowledgeable man could be there to pick up where I lacked in
knowledge. After Patriarch Stout had brought the man to tears
with his spirit he turned to me and asked me to bear my testimony for this
man. My heart was racing and after this beautifully worded lesson this
man had just given I felt so inadequate. However, I was reminded of
Enoch in the book of Moses and how he felt too young and inadequate
but the Lord provided. So I opened my mouth and bore the most
powerful and humble testimony to this man I ever had, and I have never
been so grateful for the spirit than in this moment, as I cared
so much for this man's salvation. It was an awesome night.
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Mikey got to confirm this cute 8 yr. old girl named Emmaleigh (pronounced Emily) |
Next on
Thursday of this past week while doing some service for Sister Currie with
Elder Hess, we were cleaning out the rain gutters on her roof and I got
something in my eye. I itched and itched but to no relief so I just
finished the job as fast as I could. After saying goodbye to Sis Currie I went
to go drive and noticed I couldn't see out of my itchy eye. I pulled down the
mirror to look at it and ahhhhhhhh!!! Haha there was a huge brown
bubble forming on my eyeball haha elder hess saw it and freaked out too. So we
asked Sister Currie, who is a nurse, what it was and she said ahhhhhh!!! at
the sight and we rushed to urgent care. At urgent care they didn't know what to
do so they laid me down and stuck this huge plastic contact thing in my
eye, which was almost unbearably uncomfortable, and they flushed out
my eye with water for 20 of the longest minutes of my life. I got up after and
I was feeling kind of worse haha the guy then scraped off the remaining
brown bubble and we left haha kind of weird he didn't say much more but my
eye has recovered completely and no further complications haha maybe I
should get some goggles.
I love my
whacky spiritual mission and love all you back home
love Elder
Celebrating Mikey's One-Month Mark |
Maybe these two should stay away from fire!!! |
"Hess Daddy" Grubbin on the Deck |
So happy to get his bedding!!! |