Tuesday, September 1, 2015


hello family and friends!!!!!! the mtc has been pretty good and Im going to kind of fly through these emails today because ive got a lot of laundry in the load right now haha. I miss everybody at home of course!

I will tell you about the MTC.  The first day I walked in and my escort had no idea what he was doing hahah and they gave me a nametag and let me drop off my stuff and I began walking up to my classroom.  I am all alone,  morgan degoyer got taken to another district and i was pretty devastated hahah.  And then a guy walks in and tells me I have to go to this orientation thing on the computer.  So I step out of my classroom only to meet face to face with who else but Starsvina Matthews!!!!! We both fought back tears in our embrace and with my dork dot (the thing on your name tag that shows its your first day) he started tearing up in telling me just to push through because the first day is hard and that he loves it now and his companion is elder or starsvina or whatever it is in croation haha but elder deluuw who is super nice and i see them nearly everyday and we fight back tears like every time haha its quite embarrassing.  But okay a few short things about me and the MTC.  First I hate the food haha I know I should be more grateful but I really hate it so much hahah  I have eaten cereal for like 20 straight meals now.  But its okay haha.  The basketball here is not the best haha and my room is -20 degrees at night haha so there’s my gripes and now I want to share a spiritual experience with you guys. 

So it was like day three or four and I was about ready to go home and I was being super selfish and feeling sorry for myself with everything and I had lost the spirit that day in my selfishness.  At lunch that day as I hung my head over my soggy cinnamon life cereal sister farley ran up to me and said elder green elder green! sister arrington is having an asthma attack and needs a blessing.  Naturally I got up and walked with her into this tiny room next to the cafeteria where sister arrington was in a chair gasping, like literally gasping for air.  I annointed her with the oil.  She was still panting, so i sealed the annointing and gave her a blessing.  I do not recall anything I said in that blessing.  I said amen and everybody was bawling over the blessing even my companion.  Sister arrington stood up and took just the deepest breath and immediately she broke down saying that the asthma attacks usually take hours to even calm down at all. 

I realized that I need to stop thinking woe is me all the time and from that moment forward there has never been a point in my life that I have grown more.  My entire experience has turned around since I’ve started trying to implement the character of Christ in all that I do.  That is looking outward when the natural man would look inward. I love you all and love this gospel.

love you guys back in sojo. 

Elder meek meek