Wednesday, August 17, 2016



Well well well transfer calls came this week and they went with no changes to the 2 boys out in Mena! Looks like we’ve got 6 more out here to further the Lord’s work in this little section of the vineyard. I am excited and to be honest a little bit worried just because the work has been so hard out here and I am kind of overwhelmed thinking how on earth can we bring more people to Christ and everything, but it is all good!

You might notice this is on Wednesday because we had a weird week this week. President is now having transfer weeks have Wednesday P-days which feels weird but it is good haha.  It feels like it has been forever since I emailed though and a lot of really awesome things have happened!
Goober Green!
First, Webb got baptized! It was so awesome! My mom has pictures from Sister Loveland I know from the day but it was really sooo awesome and to just be with President and Sister Loveland was awesome and Webb was so excited and he brought his kid Michael Webb Jr.  And Webb made it to church the next day too to receive the Holy Ghost and also the priesthood which is just all super awesome!!! Just goes to show you that the gospel is for everybody.  I love the way the Savior teaches this in Matthew when he explains that healthy people don’t need a doctor, the sick people do.  Haha sometimes we get too wrapped up in prejudging people on whether they could become members of God’s kingdom when the only way to know is to invite.

Mikey, Webb, Elder Doman and Webb Jr.

Selfie with Sister and President Loveland.

Elder Doman, President Loveland, and Mikey before
the Fireside and Baptism.

Next, Donny has been interviewed and he will be baptized in two days so I am pretty worried at how we are going to pull it all off because we just got the interview done and approved and now have two days to plan it all out, but the lord will help us.  Donny has investigated the church for over a year now so this should be awesome to see him now get baptized.

Also one of the nicest things of all time happened to me this past week. I came home one night to a package. I looked on the label only to read Elder Holman. Jared sent me the sweetest Virginia hat and two of his ties and a super awesome and encouraging note, and I just feel so blessed for the love and the people I have in my life!!! My sweet mom mails me a letter every week and sent me cookies from her and Aubs and the fam and I love you all so much.  You will never know how much it means to me even though I can’t really express it back as often as I would like.  I am so grateful for all the love!!
Sweet Gear from Jared!
Also B day shoutout to my Pops last Sunday!!!!  The big 52!  Man that is nothin Pops! You are still super young! I bet you could clear those medal posts on the trampoline if you get a good run-up! hahahhaha love you Dad.  Thank you for all the support and love I have had throughout the years.  I am so glad I have had you as a role model to look up to my whole life!  Thanks for all you sacrifice for our family!!!!
