Monday, August 22, 2016


"Missionary work made easy!"

Hello Fam and Friends!!! Love and miss you all!!! 

First off congrats to Kayla!!! That is so awesome and I am super excited for you. Also kind of upset nobody is waiting for me to get home before they run off and get married... haha jk jk but I’m excited to meet my new cuz in law someday!!! 
Waiting for the Baptism to begin.

Well this week was super good and unfortunately not a lot of time to write today but Donny got baptized!!!!!!!!!! It was so awesome and I am so happy for him and now he will be going to do the temple work for his wife asap!!! So it is really cool.

A miracle this week was when Elder Doman and I were weekly planning at the church a random lady walked in the doors and said that she needed some serious help and that she just moved into town etc... She was pretty anxious and talking fast so we calmed her down and talked to her about how we will help her with anything she needs and that what she really needs is the gospel. She came to Donny's baptism the next day and she came to church Sunday and has been reading all our material and we have a work force to go out there tomorrow and fix up the house/storage unit she is living in and she is an awesome new investigator!

Well I gotta go thank you for all the love and support I love you all and I am doing good and the work continues out here!!!

Love Elder Green