The dinner Mikey told us about last week at the famous Lambert's Restaurant
Mikey is pretty excited about all those Tater Tots! |
That is one huge hamburger! |
This picture just warms my heart. |
I will never get over the kindness of others. Can't believe that for her birthday dinner Ann wanted to take out the missionaries. So sweet!!! |
So fun that Mikey got to eat at a restaurant he saw on the Food Network and dreamed of going to!!! I had forgotten how much he loved that channel haha. |
Missions bring you together with such wonderful people! |
Hey Family and Friends!!! Well it has been a while since I have
emailed and I feel like I have forgotten most of what has gone on haha.
Just this past Monday we got on a
bus at 5 in the morning to head to Bentonville and got to listen to Elder Gay
from the Quorum of the 70 and get instructed from him and it was so
cool!!! He was such a good speaker
and it was an awesome time! We
also were told that our mission boundaries are changing and we are loosing all
of Oklahoma from our mission haha.
So the area that I served in (Mingo Valley) is now in a completely
different mission which was wild!!
So now nobody in our mission will be covering two or three wards like I
am now, but every ward will have its own missionaries!
Mikey and Elder Roberts and all the Sisters they are over! It looks like they are all happy and amused with whatever Mikey and his comp had said except for the one second in from the left haha! |
That's better. Now you can see everyone. |
staying!!! Unfortunately Elder
Roberts will be going though which is a huge bummer. He is going to be the ZL of the West Plains, MO zone and I
will be getting Elder Stroebel coming here! Which is awesome he is such a good guy and it should be
All the Bois! Doman, Mikey, Hess, Roberts. |
RIP Elder Gehring back home in SOJO. Leaving tomorrow! |
Mikey and His Bestie again!!! |
We had our ward Christmas party
which was so much fun haha we were actually in a skit about the Grinch finding
Christmas and we tracted into the Grinch and taught him about Christ haha it
was funny and a lot of fun!
I still can’t remember what has
been going on haha. Our
investigators are doing great and the ward is so awesome! We are teaching a lady named Christel
and she is so prepared by the Lord and then Kenny is doing great and Ann
and Geanie's families are very interested and then all 60 or so of the refugees
we are trying to take care of and teach are doing good! I gave them all haircuts and bought
them a pick to pick out their hair with just yesterday and man they are just
some of my favorite people haha.
My closest friends are probably Gabriel and Je'taime who are these two
19 and 21 year old kids that just trash every American in soccer haha. Yesterday Gabriel netted 5 goals in one
game lolol. I am sure every coach
in Springfield is just drooling over them trying to get them on their
squad. Their English is coming
along great and it has been so good!
Je'taime, Gabriel and Charles. |
Gabriel's haircut. |
Well thank you all so much for the
love and support!!! Have a great
week and remember to #lighttheworld
Elder Green!