Monday, May 23, 2016


Meek in Mena?
Friends and Family!!!!!!!!

The spirit of conversion is reaaalll yooo!!!!

John got baptized this week after 2 years of investigating the church. That just makes it so obvious to me that it is never the missionary or the lesson or anything that converts somebody, but truly the spirit. I know that the Lord had a specific time and loves John Hayes!!! Because of how long he investigated a ton of people were friends with him and so his baptism was huuuggeee. I will send pictures later but sooo awesome!!! Sorry for the late email by the way, I hosted a huge Minute to Win it event today. hahaha 
All of the crew at John's Baptism!!!
Also this week Elder Green has been transferred :( I will be super sad to leave Elder Nau and Mingo Valley!!! I am going to Mena Arkansas!!!! I will be serving with Elder Durrant who I have no idea who that is. But also Elder Hess will be serving in the area right next to me and I am sooooo pumped. I am pretty nervous to be in Mena. It is the most out there part of the mission. There are only like 3 families in the ward there in Mena so it definitely will be interesting.

I had a cool thought this week. While biking in the rain I did what I always seem to do... Hit Mud hahaha and it splashed up and some spots got on my shirt. I was super embarrassed walking around with mud spots all over my white shirt. We were way too far away to go get a different shirt so I just had to deal with it. That made me think about how we would feel if we had to walk around stained with our sins. It is so easy to put up a fake face and look like you don’t have any problems or have struggles. Often times people will think Mormons are all perfect and have no sins or flaws. But how awkward would we all feel if our sins could be seen on the outside. I am so grateful for the Atonement and the power that we have to wash our sins clean so that one day we don’t have to feel dirty in the presence of God! 

I wanted to make a huge 16th birthday next week shoutout to MY MAIN MANNNN Tommy greeeeennnn!  He is the best kid I have ever met and I love him so much. I always think about how far that kid has come and the awesome dancer he is now. I heard he killllleeed it this week in Vegas and I am so proud of him and love him. 

Also happy B day to Mikaela frost. 

Also I love and miss you all!

Also sincerely elder green