Goodbye Apt. 211. Stay Sweet |
Downtown Tulsa, "T Town" |
Well hello
their family and friends!!!
I made it safe
to the land of Mena this week!!! It was hard to say goodbye to Mingo Valley but
it is good to be in Mena and I am excited for the future.
Mena is a
smalllllllll town haha super small but our area is huuugggge we cover a large
large piece of land so I am no longer biking haha. The Mena branch mainly
consists of a family named the Davis family. They are an awesome family and are
like famous here in Mena haha so our branch out here I think Elder Durrant was
saying has a total of like 60 members. They are all such awesome members with
great testimonies! I don’t think I have ever been anywhere close to as small a
congregation as I was yesterday at church. Hopefully Elder Durrant and I can work hard and contribute to growing
the Mena branch!
Elder Durrant
is such an awesome guy and I’m so glad to be with him. He is from Portland,
Oregon and he just got done being trained so he has been out about three months
and has spent all of his mission in Mena.
In a small old
town like Mena it can be hard when people are set in their ways and have been
going to their church since the beginning of time and do not want to receive
our message. Since the teaching pool has been down a little we worked really
hard to bring that back up. With the small numbers in our branch it is hard
because we can’t teach the members friends or get referrals just because there
aren’t that many members. So we have to go out and tract. We tracted so much in
just the first couple of days I've been here. We saw so many miracles as we knocked
doors and prayed that the Lord would guide us to a street were somebody might
let us in. After tracting all day yesterday, and not even getting in one door
the Lord led us down a street to a row of houses where we ran into a lady who
actually investigated the church before and is good friends with all the Davis'
family and said she wants to get back into it and we could come back
tomorrow!!! Pretty sweet!!! I know the Lord’s hand is in all our lives
I had an
awesome chance to see a lot of my old friends this week which was super good.
For instance, Elder Hess and I got to ride the transfer truck together for like
2 hours and I got to chat with Elder Gordon for a second. Also this past week the
traveling Assistants to the President came to Mena!!! I never thought they
would make it out this far but turns out we were their first stop. Both of the
traveling Assistants, Elder Murdock and Elder Sorenson, are some of my best
friends out here and they are both just awesome missionaries!!! I got to go and
teach with both of them and learned a whole bunch and they gave me a lot of
encouragement, which was so helpful.
Last pic before goodbye. Little Ashlynn, that they baptized, cried. |
The Emmons Family |
Saying goodbye to Harold W. Bailey the Third. |
shoutout to my main man C-Livi. Hit me with that package!!! Got it right before
I left Tulsa so it was perfect! Been tooooo long since I have beat him in FIFA
Awesome package from Colton!!! |
Love Elder