Monday, June 6, 2016


Staying Busy in Mena

heeyyyyy friends and family!!!!! Hope you’re all doing excellent!!

Elder Durrant and I had a super good week this week and the work is starting to pick up. It is sooo different from downtown Tulsa where I was with Elder Nau and always having investigators to teach. So Elder Durrant and I spend a lot of time just finding people or at least trying to. We knocked doors for at least 4 hours every day haha and I can see the Lord's hand in blessing us. 

This week was a little rough because there was a town fair called Lum&Abner. So nobody was home on the weekend as we tried to knock doors. A couple investigators told us they didn’t want to see us anymore and it seemed like the odds were stacked against us. But then on Sunday we had a huge miracle and 8 people came to church!!! They all loved it!!! It was crazy. The Saturday before Sunday we literally had people coming up to us and asking us where our church was. A girl named Terri literally knocked on our front door one morning and asked what time church was hahahha super cool!!

There is this family out here named the Lowry's and they were baptized by Elder Nau and man they are the most amazing people and I love them so much. Anyway they have a bunch of kids that are all super cute and funny and we are going to baptize two of the kids on Saturday. 

A sad story that happened was Brother Lowry (Lowry dad) called us one night and said to come over and that his sister was there and needed our help. His sister's husband had just walked out on her and left her all alone with no money and two kids. We went over there and comforted her and read her some scriptures and gave her a blessing!!! The ward then all came together and helped us get food for her and her kids! Then she came to church on Sunday and I think will also be baptized soon :)

I spoke this week in church on how much God love's his children. It really is weird as a missionary because you don’t really ever worry about yourself, it is always about others and just seeing the way that the Lord will put us in somebody's path at the perfect time to meet them is a testimony to me that the Lord loves his children. He will never give up on any of us and there is always a way back to the straight and narrow path. Remember what Christ says in the Sermon on the Mount, wide is the gate that leads to destruction, but narrow is the gate which leadeth unto life. There are a ton of ways to find sadness, misery, and hurt. The gate is wide for those things. But life everlasting can only be found in Jesus Christ! Love you all!!!! 

Have a great week

Elder Green