Monday, June 27, 2016


Some Setbacks

This week was an absolutely rough one. I think basically all of our investigators dropped us. We had taken this lady's cigarettes from her so she could quit smoking. We told her we would bring them back the next day and then she could tell us if she really needed them back. She did... and said she didn’t want to try to change and that she is happy where she is. It was really hard to see. 

Me and Elder Durrant have been tracting all day every day this past week. We actually knocked into a couple of really cool people with return appointments this next week! It can get pretty discouraging when you knock all day every day and get kicked off of everybody's porch hahaha but you gotta keep trying. Our next push will be to try and get help with the ward and we are going to try to get some people called as ward missionaries because Mena is so small their is nobody without at least 2 or 3 callings so things can get lonely haha. BUUUTTT we will do alright and keep working.
This is the Restoration Lesson they carry around with
them while they knock doors!!!
Also a quick update on the bug situation: it has gone to a whole 'nother level! 
Chiggers: 10
Elder Green: 0
However, me and Elder Durrant are coming back with absolute vengeance this week.  

This week I got to go to the Gore area twice on exchanges with Elder McArthur and then Elder Wilson. It was really cool to see a different area again and get to work with some of their investigators. While I was there we actually set up a couple of people for baptism and that was an awesome miracle!!!
Hunter's Baptism.  Mikey helped teach him a little.
I know somebody is ready for the gospel in my area I think we just need to be more faithful in our finding! This next week will be one full of miracles I can already tell.

Good luck to my dear friend miss Kara Baker this week as she leaves on her mission crazy to think her time has finally come and I am excited for her! She will do awesome things!!! 

HAPPY BIRTHDAY to my main man C-Livi this week I sure do miss him and he is just my bestest mench! Have an excellent time in Hawaii man Love you fam #trew 

Anyways love you all!!! Hope you have a great week!!!! 

love Elder Green